Legal Marketing in the Pandemic: How to Promote Your Law Practice

lawyer at his desk

It can be difficult for the legal community to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal sector is among those industries that must comply with the pandemic protocols. They must observe health and safety protocols such as wearing masks, practicing social distance, and disinfecting their law office, among others.

In fact, some legal issues have arisen in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include restricting basic rights (right to assemble, travel, etc.), disruptions on civil procedures, and the coronavirus threat in prisons. We’ve also seen the rise of family legal cases, employment legal matters, and insurance claim-filing concerns.

Given all these legal issues and challenges in the pandemic, one must have a robust marketing approach. That said, here’s how to promote your law practice amid the global health crisis:

1. Operate a virtual law practice

Same with other industries, going digital is the best way to survive the pandemic. If you run a law office, consider opening a virtual law practice. It’s about time to tap digital tools and technologies for your legal operations. The first thing to consider is to update your existing website. It has to be a great online representation of your legal practice. Also, tap the social media channels to market your legal practice and engage with your clients. Ultimately, having a virtual law practice is a viable solution in staying operational amid the pandemic.

2. Make your lawyers visible online

If you have a team of legal professionals, it’s imperative to make them visible online during this pandemic. In the legal world, the focus is on the lawyers’ legal knowledge, skills, and areas of expertise. Along with these are the legal services they have to offer. As such, be sure to put your lawyers in the spotlight in your legal practice. Whether they are criminal, personal injury, estate planning, or divorce lawyers, they must have online visibility, ready to serve their clients.

3. Publish relevant and valuable content pieces regularly

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial consideration for a legal website. On top of SEO is what we call on-page SEO — the process of creating content with the integration of keywords. These keywords must be relevant to what your target clients are typing in on the search field. So when they perform an organic search for legal information, your content pieces will appear on the results pages. However, these content pieces must resonate with your target clients. If they find them valuable for them, they will end up hiring your legal services.

woman using social media

4. Reach out to your current and past clients via social media

It’s essential to reach out to your current and potential clients now more than ever. And when it comes to this, harness the power of social media channels, whether on Facebook or LinkedIn. Apart from discussing legal matters with your clients, take time to ask how they’re doing amid the crisis. That will make them feel how valuable they are as clients. On the other hand, use social media to get as many potential clients as you can. These clients might need your legal services, especially during this pandemic.

5. Go out and be socially active amid the pandemic

It’s imperative for law firms and legal practices to take vital steps to become industry thought leaders. According to the ABA Law Practice Today, they must engage in four fundamental activities to keep afloat during the pandemic. First, they must take the time to see their clients in person. Second, they have to partake in any credible legal organization that caters to their clients. Third, it’s best to have an extensive legal network. Lastly, they must exhibit and maintain a high profile in the legal industry. By being socially active, especially during this pandemic, your legal practice will continue to thrive.

6. Strive to earn positive online reviews

In this time and age, online reviews are powerful. It’s easy for customers and clients to check online reviews before dealing with businesses or making purchases. People put their trust and confidence in online reviews more than personal recommendations. For this reason, do what it takes to earn positive online reviews from your clients. Publish them on your website and social media channels. Lastly, make sure they get posted on Google, Facebook, and third-party online-review sites like Yelp.

The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t have to stop you from operating your legal practice and getting some clients. To have a robust marketing approach, be sure to consider the practical recommendations discussed above. Know that you have the responsibility to help and assist clients on legal matters. In the end, it’s a matter of making the necessary adjustments in your legal operations amid the pandemic.

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