Four Training Myths That Hinder Employees’ Opportunity for Growth


Managers have different opinions about which method would yield the best returns when it comes to employee learning and development. Some invest in e-learning materials, while others hire external trainers to help employees access the latest industry knowledge. In Singapore, fresh graduates and full-time employees enroll in work study programmes to enhance their skill sets and take advantage of more employment opportunities.

While there’s no denying the many benefits of employee training, there are still myths and misconceptions that abound in the corporate world, which greatly hindered employees’ learning opportunities. Here are the common misconceptions about employee training to know more about these.


Myth #1: Training doesn’t affect turnover

Most managers rarely see training as a contributing factor in employee turnover. The truth is, training plays a critical role in all facets of employee experience, from engagement, retention, performance, and professional growth, among others.

Several studies have revealed training directly impacts employee retention. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, employee training reduces absenteeism and turnover. Employees would rather stay at a company that invests time, effort, and resources in their career development. While this seems counterintuitive, providing employees with new skills won’t send them running to greener pastures. An employee willing to use their company’s resources to support their growth makes workers feel important, which drives company loyalty.

When it comes to the belief that trained employees will take whatever they’ve learned and leave, this fact says more about the company than the employee itself. If the workplace environment is already unfavorable, employees will take what they learn and leave your organization without a second thought. On the contrary, employees are likely to stay if the company supports their career progression and the working condition is good.

Myth #2: Training solves internal issues

If only providing training is the easiest way to solve all your company’s problems. In reality, there’s an interplay of several factors responsible for the longstanding problems of the company.

Corporate training can fix a range of issues in the company, particularly problems in engagement, skills gaps, and lack of skills or knowledge. All you have to do is provide a well-thought-out training program and continuous learning support.

On the other hand, relying on training alone to fix internal issues in the organization won’t solve all your problems. For example, if employees already have the required skills to carry out their roles but are still not motivated enough, you have to check other factors, such as:

  • Unusually restrictive workplace policies that hinder employees creativity
  • Outdated procedures and processes that fail to meet client demands
  • Technical issues with office equipment, which affect quality performance

But how can you tell if the company issue is due to inadequate or lack of training initiatives? This is where a deep performance needs analysis comes in. This will allow you to identify existing performance issues and what type of training programs you should carry out.

Myth #3: Company training requires external trainers

There are plenty of training circumstances in which you require industry experts to conduct the workshop or training session. But for most training and development needs, you can simply allow employees to support each other through mentoring, coaching programs, or group learning skills.

Assigning internal trainers in the company makes them feel how you appreciate their contributions to the organization. As a result, they’re more encouraged to learn more about what they do in order to help their coworkers. Not only that, but internal training also helps in improving teamwork as they work together in team projects.

Myth #4: Effective training relies on formal learning sessions

For many years, an organization’s knowledge of training methods has been limited to formal training sessions that are organized and structured. Trainers are also expected to carry out face-to-face training in order to be effective and successful.

Thanks to technology, learning opportunities have become more varied, endless, and instantaneous. Modern leaders no longer rely on face-to-face sessions anymore. They can learn directly from their job and even from their coworkers. In fact, a study shows that employees learn the most from interacting with their peers and working in a team environment, provided the right tech tools are in place. Examples include watching instructional videos, reading blogs, assisting a manager, and participating in group discussions through a learning management system.

Don’t let the training myths above prevent you from giving employees the learning support they need. As an employer, it’s important to play an active role in helping them reach their fullest potential, not just for their personal growth but for the overall development of the organization. Once you have dispelled these myths completely, it’s easier for the company to make employee learning and development a priority.

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