Strategies for Social Media Engagement for Better Search Engine Rankings

social media management concept

social media management conceptYou have been reading a lot about social media marketing. You’ve come across a dozen or so articles arguing that social presence does not have a direct bearing on search rankings. They say it differently, but that is the gist. Disheartened? Don’t be. The effort that you have given toward developing your social media content will not go to waste.

Social media’s influence on key ranking factors

A huge social presence is not nearly enough for you to garner the number one slot on Google’s results page. Nevertheless, if your social signals are all over the web, you gain greater visibility. A significant social media presence can amplify ranking factors that are precious to search engines. All the time you have devoted to promoting social media content through various channels will pay off in the end. Links are particularly important. You can have enough people sharing and linking your content to make a dent. As SEO ranking factors come, strong and consistent links are highly valued.

Communicate value to search engines

Engagement improves traffic. When your social media content drives enough traffic to your brand, your engagement metrics will be too significant for Google to ignore. For this reason, search engine optimization campaigns in Utah do not set aside quality social media content and links. Of course, a branding advantage does not necessarily translate to a search engine optimization plus. Brand presence that is consistent, or perhaps increasing over time, will boost your rankings.

social media apps

Creating value with the audience to boost engagement and rankings

Instagram makes brand and idols accessible. There is no better platform to humanize a brand. People gravitate toward something they can relate to—something that exudes a personal touch. If you can make a total stranger care about your brand, then you have succeeded. Engaging audiences and clients can be difficult and time-consuming. Social media platforms have made the work much easier by allowing people and brands opportunities to interact directly and in real time. The added layer of personalization matters to a customer. It makes them feel that their contribution is accepted and recognized.

Where are you now, and what should you do?

Go to google and run a query on keywords related to your brand. Do you see a familiar name on the first page of the search results page? If your brand’s name is not there, who then occupies the top spots? Any brand suffers from being excluded from the first page or search engine results. It is relevant to wonder what they are doing to attain Google’s favor. What have you been doing to get hold of the top spot?

Google and other search engines are always working toward providing the information the user is looking for. Search engines have a particular set of criteria in determining the value of a website. You can still make good use of your social media presence to boost rankings. If you are performing better than anyone in engaging audiences, you will earn rewards. When a horde of followers follow your social media content for its quality, Google will start favoring you. Soon enough, you will see a familiar name listed at the very top—your brand name.

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