How Older Women Can Earn More during this Pandemic

older woman

Many people lost their jobs. Many people are having a hard time paying their bills. Others don’t even have food on their tables. This pandemic has affected the means of living of many people around the world. Yet, these pandemic difficulties are even more aggravated by discrimination.

As early as six months into the pandemic, the Pew Research Center reported that one out of four American adults had had problems paying their bills. One in six American adults has experienced borrowing money from family and friends. But not only that, recent surveys show that even age and gender are also a factor in employment status.

Learn why many women aged 40 and above stopped looking for work. Why get hired when you can be your boss?

Older women are struggling more to get employed

The numbers say it. According to a report from AARP, a non-profit organization aiming to empower Americans age 50 and above, at least 41% of women workers have encountered job layoffs since 2020. There were also 14% of mid-career and older women who completely lost their jobs. The majority of those who were unemployed still couldn’t find a job for six months and more.

According to the report, 31% of women aged 40 and above who looked for a job felt discriminated against due to their age. Of the older women employed, 3 in 10 had to take care of their child or grandchild at home doing remote school.

Some younger women have to take care of their elderly at home. Others have to attend to household chores, given that families stay at home 24/7 these days. All of these kept women from working full time. This shows how domestic roles and stereotypes of women also affect their chances of getting employed.

With all these struggles, women are never discouraged. They are even more empowered. After all, they know there are better ways to earn than getting employed.

Why look for work when you can start your own business

woman using a laptop

Given these difficulties, women are more encouraged to work from home. This does not only allow them to earn more from the comforts of their home. It also allows them to learn new techniques and expand their knowledge and skills.

The first WorkingNation American Workers Survey shows that 63% of older workers believe that technology brings huge changes to how people perform their jobs nowadays. Many older workers are afraid that they cannot keep up with technology and do not have the skills to adapt. At least 56% of them also say that they do not know how to learn these new skills.

But older women shouldn’t worry. Many companies are already offering freelance kits for those who want to be trained on how to earn from home. If you are a woman aged 40 and above and want to start your own online business at home, here’s what you should do:

· Find the best training program.

There are many freelancing kits available online. Some are free, while others come with a fee. If you have the means to pay for better training, go for it. Consider it as part of your investment in your new freelance business.

These kits usually include freelancing 101. These also involve skills assessment. This gauges your skills set and experience so your trainer would know where to start and in which areas to improve to prepare you for the business.

These freelance kits also provide you with the digital know-how and the online processes you need to know. They also give you a background of the digital marketing trends to guide you as you start your own business.

· Watch YouTube videos or listen to podcasts on freelancing.

Start familiarizing yourself with technology by watching YouTube and listening to podcasts. Listen to what freelancers have to say and learn from them. Some vloggers and podcasters share their inspiring freelance journeys. Shifting from the traditional nine-to-five job to freelancing might take a lot of adjustment, but it will be worth it. You have to trust the process.

· Invest in technology.

While learning about technology step by step, consider investing in a good laptop and a good internet connection. These are the basics that you need to have to thrive in the freelance world. You can work at home or anywhere you want, as long as you’re online.

They say life begins at 40. For you, it could be “Freelance life begins at 40.” Ditch those resumes and learn more about technology instead. Who says high technology isn’t for the forties? The online freelance business could be what you need to survive this pandemic.

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