Little Writers: How to Encourage Children With Potential in Writing

Encourage Children Dream

For kids, storytelling is second nature. It is evident in the games they play, the way they pretend, and the stories they make up with their toys. But some children take a step further. These are the children with interest in books and enjoy writing assignments in school. Creating sentences or scenarios and expressing emotions on paper are enjoyable tasks for them. They are child writers, kids who will become future novelists, book reviewers, playwrights, and film scriptwriters. Their talents need to be nurtured early, the same way we enroll children to voice lessons when we hear them sing well or put them in sports teams when they show athletic potential.

Those who work in the industry of book publishing for kids can utilize their potential and encourage them to enter the world of literature. Here’s how this can be done.

Let Them Read

Writers have to read to learn. Chances are if your child is writing stories for fun, then they are reading a lot of stories for pleasure. Some of them want to write what they want to read. Because of that, let them read the following: picture books, children’s novels, short story collections, and classics. It can be anything as long as it’s age-appropriate. Give some suggestions that suit their interests and writing style, but don’t force them into anything. Encourage them to explore different genres to learn a lot. The last thing you want to do is to affect their love for reading. It is because that might also affect their passion for writing.

Let Them Practice

Some young writers are not known for their prowess in grammar. They are still children after all, so expect some tense inconsistencies, incorrect subject-verb agreement, awkward phrasing, literary tropes, and lots of unfinished drafts that they leave behind after getting new ideas. While it is important to pass on discipline to such children, understand that grammar becomes correct through constant practice. Your child will eventually pick up the grammar rules while reading and practicing. It is essential to give them feedback on their grammar but also express interest in the stories they are trying to tell. Let them understand that for readers to fully comprehend and appreciate their work, their grammar must be correct and consistent.

Let Them Enjoy

Appreciate the stories that your child writes. For example, if your son is interested in princesses and castles, let him write about them. If your daughter is into space and robots, give her more science fiction books for children. Let them enjoy writing, first and foremost, so that they will become committed to the craft. They will willingly learn the rules of grammar on their own and strive to get better. They will do this because they love what they are doing.

Let Them Succeed

very proud child

Encourage your child to submit to children’s publishing houses, magazines, newsletters, and writing contests. Children will feel more accomplished with recognition connected to their names, and this will strengthen their love for writing. But when they lose, use it as an opportunity to teach them how to rise despite their circumstances, accept defeat with grace, and write better. Let them know that they did their best and that it is what makes them winners. Remind them that they will continue writing because of the passion they have.

Some writers bloom at a late age, while others are spotted at an early age. Whatever the case, those whose potential is seen in childhood must be encouraged to carry it to adulthood. Writing is not only a craft or discipline but also a way of life that brings comfort to those who write stories and read them. It opens minds and builds empathy, something the world may need.

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