How You Can Adjust to a New School

Dad bringing daughter to school

Have you transferred to a new school at some point in your life? If you haven’t, then you have no idea of the fear that the move instills in the hearts of children and teenagers. After spending so many years developing and fostering friendships, they are just supposed to get up and live their comfort zones. Worse, they have to do it all over again. Can you imagine how stressful that can be for them?

However, transferring to a new high school in Salt Lake City or other cities is part of growing up. You do this not because your parents spite you. They may hate the move more than you. They want you to be happy and be with your friends. But stuff in life happens, and the move could be the best choice for your family.

At this point in your life, you have to ask yourself: Are you going to live in resentment, or are you going to embrace this new challenge? Being in a new school is a scary prospect, but it also presents an opportunity to learn new things. Resenting your parents and the school for the move will only hurt your chances of making new friends.

Tackle Anxieties

What are you anxious about the transfer? You can prepare better so that these anxieties will not affect your overall well-being. If you are worried about academics, read about the school’s curriculum and familiarize yourself with the school programs. If you are worried about making new friends, attend summer school programs and start introducing yourself to the students. The easiest way to deal with these anxieties is to understand where they are coming from.

Do a Walk-through

Another scary thing about moving to a new school is the thought of having to ask for directions. Imagine how much you would stand out by not knowing where the cafeteria is. For some students, this can be a chance to strike a conversation. But some want to do the whole first day independently. So do a walk-through of the school before the first day of classes. You will feel more confident if you know where to find the cafeteria, the comfort room, the library, and your classes.

Find a Peer Mentor

Your new school can assign a peer mentor if you need one. This mentor will walk you through the ins and outs of the school. This is a great opportunity to make friends, so make sure that you loosen up a little bit while spending time with your mentor.

Be Patient

Transferring to a new school is never going to be easy. It’s always going to be painful to leave your old friends behind. You have to be patient. It will take time before you find your zone again. Give yourself time to adjust to a new environment. Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it in this new school better.

Find Your Passion

Young students holding instruments in class

There’s no reason for you to leave behind your interests in your old school. Take them with you. If you were playing tennis or basketball there, do it in this new school. If you were a part of the debate team, then apply for membership in your new school’s team, too. Following your interests and passions in this new school will make the transition easier for you.

One day, you’ll also move to a new city and start a job. Leaving behind your comfort zones is a testament to how strong you are as a person. Take this move as a challenge and embrace all the newness that comes with it.

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