Best Part-Time Jobs College Students Can Consider

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Students have an excellent opportunity to earn money with part-time jobs. They also get exposure to the professional world. Australia is an expensive country regarding education, especially for international students. Thus, part-time jobs are an excellent way to meet educational and other lifestyle expenses. Here are some jobs that students can take up.

On-Campus Jobs

Students can easily start working on-campus with jobs such as a library assistant, staffing jobs, or shops and outlets within the university campus. Some universities already have an on-campus scheme that allows students to find a job easily. Don’t get discouraged if your university doesn’t have such a scheme. You can always directly approach the concerned university staff and find out about any available job opportunity.


Various freelancing jobs are not only easy to do but also pay well. As a freelancer, students have the flexibility to work as per their convenience and also earn handsomely. Students can offer freelancing services such as blog writing, web development services, photography, image, and video editing services, to name a few. Various freelancing platforms such as LinkedIn, Fiverr, and Upwork help freelancers easily find work opportunities. A freelance writer earns an hourly pay of AU$25.66. Similarly, other freelancing jobs, including the ones mentioned, pay well and help meet financial expenses.

Rideshare Driver

The rise of ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft has opened up amazing job opportunities for students to earn in their free hours. Students can lease a car and earn handsomely even if they work as a ride-sharing driver for two to three hours a day. They can earn even better on weekends and holidays if they can spare the time. The driver onboarding process is also very simple. Hence, one can easily be a ride-sharing driver and earn decently without many efforts. Drivers are, however, required to have the mandatory approvals, such as a driving license, before being approved as a driver.

Food and Hospitality Service Worker

Service Worker

It may sound cliche, but students working at a cafe as a waiter or server is one of the best job options. In this field, students again have high flexibility of working, and they can choose a time slot where the customer footfall is less. For instance, students can work at diners and cafes in graveyard shifts. Since there are usually fewer customers, they can utilise it to study and prepare for the semester. These jobs pay decently. Plus, the added perk of tips and overtime wages can add to the income. Students can work as a bartender, waiter, chef, or even as a bouncer as per their preferences in the food and hospitality sector.

Delivery Agent

The rise of eCommerce platforms such as Amazon has opened up new part-time job avenues for students. One can easily sign up with an eCommerce platform as a delivery agent by fulfilling basic criteria. The job of a delivery agent is very simple. Their job duty involves picking up the shipment from the warehouse and delivering it to customers. The vehicle, fuel, and other things required for carrying out duties are provided by the company itself. All the agent needs to do is transport the packages safely and hand them to the customer without delays. Students can easily work part-time shifts before or after college hours and earn a healthy amount.

Students can sometimes find balancing work and studies difficult. But, once you master the art, you can easily earn while you learn. Additionally, you will have experience of the professional, working world that can help you prepare for the future. You can learn new skills at work while gaining knowledge in school.

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