Motivating Your Kids to Do Well In School

Kids reciting in class

Figuring out how to motivate your child to love school or do better in exams is one of the greatest mysteries of your life as a parent. Your child can lose his motivation at any point, from kindergarten to high school and beyond. There can be times when all he wants to do is watch television or play mobile games all day. He might be discouraged from doing his schoolwork and feel unenthusiastic during school days. While it can be tough to inspire an unmotivated child, these things will help you become an effective cheerleader. 


1. Investigate the cause


Your first step is to know what’s causing your child to lose his interest in school and making him develop a negative attitude toward his Gilbert High School education. Social problems, attention and skills deficit, learning issues, and emotional challenges can all be culprits to his disengagement. 


Since you only interact with your child after school, it can be hard to pinpoint the real cause alone. It will be best to talk to his teacher since he spends six hours with your kid. The teacher is one of the credible resources who can help you determine the issues happening to your child, so you can find appropriate ways to address them.


He knows your kid’s academic struggles and can give you additional insights into inspiring your child to do better. Likewise, you can share with him the strategies that you find useful with your child. 


Undiagnosed learning disorders are the most common causes of children’s lack of motivation. Your child might dread math, struggle in spelling, or find it too difficult to express his thoughts aloud. For kids with learning issues, attending school is like running a marathon with an injured ankle. It is possible, but painful. Thus, they will mask their discouragement with different behaviors such as defiance, passivity, or procrastination. Help your child overcome this challenge by partnering with a therapist who can design an effective treatment program. 


2. Your words matter


When your kid brings home a bad grade, it’s almost spontaneous for you to shout your anger and frustration. Do not be tempted to interrogate your child why he failed to get straight A's. You have to keep your cool so that your child will not feel scared or intimidated to come to you when he messed up.


Allow him to make mistakes and help your kid realize the things he learned from such errors. An open conversation will encourage your child to open up about the reasons why he's having a hard time. Remember that your goal as a parent is not to get your child to become the star student if he’s not. You need to help him exert effort so he can reach his potential. 


Education shapes your kid’s future. Thus, investing in his academic life should be your priority. However, everyone faces obstacles that can affect their motivation. But even when your kid finds a reason to stop, remember that you are the most influential teacher in his life. When you show your undying commitment to helping him meet his academic responsibilities, he will follow your lead. 

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