COVID-19 Appreciation: How To Show It To Employees


COVID-19 has disrupted the operations of companies all over the world. Thanks to the efforts of dedicated employees, many businesses are still thriving. All that dedication and energy to their work can mean that employees are becoming increasingly burned out. They need to feel validated for them to know that their companies value their contributions. Here are some things that a business can do to show their appreciation for their workers.

Give a Raise or a Bonus

The simplest and most effective gift a company can give its employees is a pay raise or a bonus. Many companies have managed to thrive in the pandemic. Some industries have even boomed and experienced profits. Their survival was possible because of the dedicated work of employees, whether remotely or in risky environments. Employees deserve a simple increase in their salary for their efforts. Giving them a few hundred or thousand dollars if the company can provide them can go a long way.

Send Out Gift Boxes


While a pay raise is nice, companies can also buy some things for their employees. Employees appreciate a modest care package or giftbox from their bosses. Companies can come up with gifts to send out to their employees. Alternatively, they reach out to business gift shops that specialize in creating gift boxes.

Make Personal Calls from Management

Another way that the management can show appreciation for its employees is to have top management personally call employees who have been doing well. This is a nice way to show them that the people at the top know their names and value the effort that they are putting in. A company should combine it with other signs of appreciation so that the call is more effective. For example, if the business sent a gift box, then inquiries about whether they enjoyed the package should be part of the discussion. Besides praise, this call should give the employees a chance to share their management concerns.

Allow Them Time for Stress Relief or Grieving

Stress has become a major factor affecting productivity in the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees that are still putting in the work are usually under a lot of stress. Additionally, they might have loved ones who passed away from the disease. So, it is a smart move to give workers sufficient time off from work. While it may affect some of the company’s productivity, smart scheduling and some creative assignments can allow for several employees to take a few weeks off to unwind and grieve if necessary.

Organize a Few Virtual Gatherings


The problem with the pandemic is that a lot of people are isolated. This loneliness can greatly affect their performance and make them feel bad. Fighting that isolation is possible with a bit of help. Thanks to modern technology, companies can arrange gatherings online. This can be of great help in breaking the loneliness that a lot of people have been feeling.

Publicly Acknowledge Their Efforts

People like it when everyone knows that they did well. While direct praise and some incentives can help, employees also appreciate it when everyone else in the company knows about their contribution to the company’s success. Publicly acknowledging their contribution is the least that a company can do for its employees. This public recognition can also encourage others to work better so that they can receive the same acknowledgment. Leaders can do this either in company channels or on social media.

Ask for Suggestions

Employees like it when they feel like the management is listening to them. It is a simple thing, too. All the management has to do is be open to suggestions on how to improve operations or for new services. Being heard by management and seeing their suggestion be made into reality can boost employees’ self-esteem during these trying times.

Share Some Customer Feedback

Praise is good, but employees might feel a sense of insincerity from their superiors. Something that they might appreciate more of is customer feedback. Hearing how customers appreciate what they do can be much more compelling. Fortunately, it is easy to find reviews and testimonials. Some happy customers even send e-mails directly to the company that they are happy about.

While a lot of these actions are minor displays of appreciation, it is the little things that many people will remember. Employees don’t want a big parade from their bosses. They just want to feel that the people on top notice them and are grateful for their efforts. A company that shows them a little love will get a boost in loyalty and productivity.

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